Monday, 26 September 2011

Base Grid Layout for 3 x A1 Posters

This represents Moore's architecture in true form.
This represents Moore's architecture as it is transforming.

This represents the new architecture after it has gone through its transformation.
I found these "grid layouts" which are actually a play on the traditional grid system used for layouts in graphic design. This type of thing could be perfect to express my idea of mutating Moore's traditional lineal grid into something more entwined and interesting, yet still "keeping all the parts."

"Design Blog", last accessed 26th Sept 2011.

Synopsis of Intended Technology

I intend to use CryENGINE® 2 Sandbox as my 3rd format for my presentation. I have learnt how to use this software, initially in the ARCH1101 design studio last semester. Since then, we have used CryENGINE® 2 Sandbox for a number of different experiments to show architecture and representations in many different ways. 

Real time editing, bump mapping, dynamic lights, network system, integrated physics system, shaders, shadows and a dynamic music system are just some of the state of-the-art features the CryENGINE® 2 offers. The CryENGINE® 2 comes complete with all of its internal tools and also includes the CryENGINE® 2 Sandbox world editing system.
Models from programs such as Google Sketchup and 3ds Max can be imported into the CryENGINE® 2 Sandbox and placed in a custom built environment (or one of the pre-existing game levels).
Custom textures can be made in Photoshop and imported into the game also.

I have chosen to use the CryENGINE® 2 Sandbox because this will allow me to express the concept of my design in the clearest way. A part of my design depends on conveying the idea in motion and in real-time. My concept starts with the architecture in its true form, it slowly transform as pieces of the building move and breakaway… it is this part that needs to be conveyed to the viewer as one of the most important parts. The final product will then become a natural progression from the movement of the parts of the architecture.
CryENGINE® 2 Sandbox will allow me to create high quality video of this happening in action, it will allow me to play with light, custom textures and the environment that the architecture sits in (the architecture will stay in its original site context).

Sunday, 25 September 2011

A3 Montages

This shows my textures and concept ideas of placing Moore's 'grid' internally and contrasting the pure whiteness of his interiors with the gritty textures of the rust.

This is a representation of where my project currently stands. It shows the view from inside one of Moore's buildings with the grid reassembled on the interior... conceptually anyway.

10 Textures


Sunday, 18 September 2011

Additional Case Study

Below are a few of Ian Moore's building in Sydney that we visited and took our own photographs of.

I didn't visit this one on site but found it on internet research. I think that it is the best one in terms of exaggerating the grid.

150 Word Concept Text


 Turning Moore's prominent grid-like textures found on the exterior of his buildings and peeling them away to reassemble the pieces on the interior, transforming Moore's open-plan circulation.

Exploring Concepts

I like the way these torii express a simple structure that come together to create a pathway, they dictate the circulation.

 The 2x images above are of Ian Moore's building, 3 Kings Lane. It is this type of structure that dictates the circulation that I want to tear away from the exterior and bring it into the interior. In a sense, turning Moore's work inside out... actually, outside in!

Jørn Utzon's Espansiva from Paolo Magnabosco on Vimeo. This is a great video which shows the way a grid system can be used effectively in architecture. The video clip expresses this very clearly and I like how the pieces are exploding and coming together.

This website has a really interesting way of dissecting architecture and putting it back together:


2x A3 Interactive Posters

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Group: Less is Moore

 Salli Hanninen
Josh Jung
Matt Cowle 

Our group has chosen to model an apartment building 'Frangipani' in Bondi by architect, Ian Moore.


Source: Ripe : new design in Australia [90-5703-422-0] Cornwell

Source:  GA houses, 2007 Jan., n.97, p.94-107, Balmoral House, Barmoral Beach, Sydney, Australia


This is the draft base model in Google Sketchup imported straight from Revit.

This is the final model textured in 3ds Max for V-ray rendering.

When thinking about how to re-envision Ian Moore's architecture  I immediately think about how the use of colour and textures could be introduced. Majority of this building and the other buildings that I have found in my research show a lot of white and have a simple texture which runs throughout the building and throughout his works. Natural textures and the introduction of colour could really change his work.
Another aspect would be to change the linear lines and create curved facades and walkways. There are no curved lines and any of his work and a lot of it is very grid like. To contrast this with curves similar to those of Zaha Hadid would totally change the concept of Moore's designs.